Very large cultivar, with enormous leaves. Flowers which are consequently also very large. Among the most resistant to snails. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Medium-dwarf hosta with bluish, velvety leaves and ivory-white edges. Lilac summer flowers. Evergreen in mild climates or on the porch. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the porch (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Bulbous very resistant with evergreen leaves, its delicious white-pinkish flowers, darker in bud, and bright, similar to crocuses, but more slender, sway in the wind, blooming in summer and autumn. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Magnificent derivative of the species H. plantaginea, with large flowers with a heavenly scent and leaves that also resist the sun (but not too intense otherwise they tend to fade). Resistant and very floriferous, to be left undisturbed in pots and borders in the garden. Evergreen in mild climates or on the veranda. Also suitable for growing indoors or on...
Brunnera cultivar with completely silver leaves, similar to 'Jack Frost', but with larger, rounded leaves and better resistant to heat and humidity. Small flowers similar to those of a forget-me-not, two-tone, pink and blue on the same plant. Evergreen in mild climates. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
This is a rare variety with single and double flowers togheter. It is a ground cover perennial that grows very quickly, densely covering large areas of land. Blue-violet flowers (periwinkle) in spring. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Mixed hostas, it is not possible to choose the single variety. Hosta is a very hardy shade plant that bears beautiful spiked summer flowers with white, lilac or purple "lilies". Very resistant to diseases and insects, they are very long-lived. The older they get, the rounder the head becomes and richer in leaves and flowers. Evergreens in mild climates or...
Slow evergreen ground cover with very light variegated leaves, shade, perennial. Excellent lawn substitute for small shady areas that need to be made visually lighter. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda
With semi-evergreen architectural leaves, veined with white, it is a perennial focal point in the garden for the winter. The spring flowers are followed by orange berries in very ornamental spikes. This very resistant perennial plant, grows in the cool and goes dormant in the heat, so it will be in leaf from September to June and then sheds its leaves in...
Tappezzante lenta sempreverde, perenne. Con foglie nere che mantengono il colore scuro se ricevono almeno mezza giornata di sole. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
The bright, extra-wide margins on these leaves really brighten up shady areas of a landscape. One of the best garden hostas, they hold their colors even in hot areas. The leaves emerge with frosty blue tones and a bright yellow margin that fades to creamy white in the summer. A medium-sized hosta, they produce pale lavender flowers in mid to late summer....
Perenne che si sviluppa tramite rizomi sotterranei, a rapida crescita, a fioritura lunghissima, con fiorellini a campanella e foglie triangolari sfumate di argento al centro. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again with the heat).
Gardenia resistant to frost, down to -22 ° C. This dwarf evergreen shrub produces white flowers with an exotic appearance with a celestial scent like that of the species. The large flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm, have narrow and long petals, which resemble a mill. Glossy dark green foliage. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Large blue-green, heart-shaped leaves, among the most resistant to snails. Evergreen in mild climates or verandas. Also suitable for growing indoors or on verandas (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
Bulbous with late summer and autumn flowering, with showy flowers due to the lively sulfur color. It requires little care, only the care of a well drained soil; it must be cultivated in mild areas always outdoors (tolerates light frosts) or cultivated in pots and withdrawn in winter with very bright exposure. The pots contain several mature bulbs. Also...
Cultivar with evergreen leaves with small white dots, as if it had been sprayed with color with a brush, with particularly elongated leaves and less wide than the species. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Evergreen cyperacea that thrives in the shade, illuminating it, expanding vigorously and in a very covering way. Particular habit with compact tufts, which makes it look like a small bamboo, does not exceed 30 cm in height. Sharp white leaves, streaked with green, tinged with purple-brown at the base. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda...
Vigorous bulbous plant with characteristic fleshy clover-shaped leaves which, with their bright green, form an excellent background for the large, magnificent pink flowers. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Magnificent oxalis with purple foliage, blooms and grows all year round, it should be treated like a succulent plant, little water well drained soil with perlite or pumice. Perfect for hanging pots, very easy care, briar crawling on the ground or from cuttings. It lives well even in bright shade, more sun, more red leaves.
Perennial rhizomatous herbaceous plant, with prolonged and re-flowering flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped flowers; its best feature, however, are the leaves: they look like velvety butterflies. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are sent to vegetative rest without leaves, but they vegetate again in the heat).
A bulbous perennial herbaceous plant, with prolonged and repeat flowering, with beautiful bell-shaped flowers; its best feature, however, are its leaves: they look like four-leaf clovers, which is in fact its common name; it is also called ‘Lucky Clover’ because it looks like a clover (trifolium), but always has four leaves. Also suitable for growing...
Unusual shrub or small tree with soft feathery leaves and abundant soft pink pom pom flowers, which immediately strikes the eye. It prefers a bright place with lightly filtered sun, or morning sun, in well drained soil, for best results it should be planted in a sheltered place (it cannot bear temperatures below 0°C), on a terrace or balcony and then...
As the name of the cultivar suggests, this phormium is variegated in three colors: pink, white and green. Very broad (up to 6 cm) and curved ribbon-like leaves, evergreen. Height 120 cm, width approximately 180 cm. It also lives well in a pot indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Oxalis with palm-like luxuriant leaves, pink flowers, has continuously enlarging bulbs. Very floriferous, it forms patches of bells from spring to autumn (incredibly re-flowering). It prefers the morning sun. The pots contain various bulbs. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda (from November to March they are shipped in vegetative rest...
Variegated form with white tips, evergreen, glossy and leathery foliage. Shade plant. Aspidistra 'Asahi', in its youth, has green leaves. Over time, the new leaves will develop the characteristic white spots on the tip, typical of the Asahi variety. This transformation is part of its unique charm. Each plant comes from a single selected cultivar,...
Perennial, evergreen herbaceous plant, magnificent golden lime-green foliage, gives light to shady places, enhanced in pots, useful for adding a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Perennial herbaceous plant, evergreen, magnificent variegated foliage, white and green, gives light to shady places, enhanced in pots, useful for giving a touch of color and structure to flowerbeds. Also suitable for growing indoors. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Perennial with a heavenly scent, semi-evergreen bulbous (deciduous in zone 7-8-9, evergreen in mild areas, coasts or islands). The linear leaves are dark green with purple stripes. Racemes of bell-shaped, pink/purple flowers bloom in summer. Also known as Scilla adlamii or Scilla cooperi. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Ficus elastica is one of the easiest subtropical plants to care for. In favorable conditions, on islands or mild coasts it becomes a tree. If grown in a pot it adapts well and dwarfs to live indoors, or in verandas and greenhouses, even cool ones, with a minimum of 4 degrees centigrade. The variegation of this cultivar is unusual and rare, as if it were...
It is a splendid evergreen with burgundy-purple foliage. It has architectural erect leaves that reach 2.5 m in height and width, but it reduces its growth if potted or in cold climates, adapting to remain more compact. Also suitable for growing indoors or on the veranda.
Filtri (201 products)